Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Saiyuki Journey West.

Greetings and salutations. 
   It is me Godzilla again. This time we visit the 90's again but this time we are going to India. well actually we are going from china to India...Or japan to India. I haven't played the game in years so I don't remember the plot to well....I just know that It is a turn based game that plays out like final fantasy tactics. The story revolves around a young priest named Sanzo. The cool thing about this game is that at the beginning you can choose to be either a guy or a girl. that doesn't affect the name of the character at all though. but I digress again. 
  So your a priest who receives a visions from lady Kannon who presents you with the Mercy Staff and tells you that the world is in trouble and you need to go to India to help the gods resolve the problem. so you start off on your adventure with two body guards and right after you leave the temple your party is attacked and the body guards are killed. Luckily for Sanzo their is  a giant rock that calls out to the player. The rock tells you that if you can remove the sealing scroll from the rock that he will save you from the enemies. After  the battle ensues and you get to the rock and remove the seal you unleash Son Goku and he proceeds to eliminate the enemies. then he turns on you but Lady Kannon appears and places a head band on Gokus head ( Sort of like in Inuyasha with the prayer beads.) the only difference is that when Sanzo says the trigger word it causes Goku to get a terrible headache that is sure to stop his actions due to the pain that it causes.  Lady Kannon forces Goku to travel with Sanzo to india as a body guard. He does it grudingly. Along the way you encounter allies that like goku end up traveling with Sanzo on the journey. 
    Another special trait that Goku has is that he is what the game calls a Were. A were is a demon that has a human form and they can turn into there demon form at will and unleash terrible powers.  Goku can turn in to a giant monkey and then the other members go as follows. you get a Boar, a giant merman, a dragon and many others. these are the weres. The humans that can become the were I dont remember there names.  I have yet to beat the game because I keep getting distracted and then I come back to it when I feel an urge to play a game that brings up good memories... That is another Blog entirely......

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