Saturday, November 1, 2008

The lost area... in SL!

One day, I learned about an area in Second Life where an area is different compared to the rest of Second Life in which nothing is sold on the area(other than buildings) and is more of a role playing area for just relaxing.
The area is filled with buildings and mysterious crystals, the buildings seem to have a setting of ancient Roman/Aztec. The buildings are completely empty and all the buildings are similar yet not a single one is the same. The area will sell buildings for people for around 48,000L but I haven't tried looking to in depth to it.
Crystals are mostly small and red, placed all over and have no purpose while two areas have giant pinkish/purple crystals ....which have no purpose as well... The best thing I noticed about the area is no flying billboards saying "go here", or "buy this!!" with flashing colors to attract the kiddies...
All in all it didn't truly catch my interest since it seemed to require a house to be bought before anything could be done or that what I noted...

Thursday, October 30, 2008


All right this time I am going to write about a very old video game that I think is a very good one. It is called Grandia and it follows the story of a young man named Justin and his journey as an adventurer. It seems that it is very sterotypical but I have never really noticed this because I really love this game. I mean this game is so good in my eyes that no matter what anyone else says (Alyssa and Allie.) it is not a lame game. But I must say this old quote before I go on any farther..." to each his/her own". Now that I have gotten that out of the way let me explain the story behind this original Grandia game. ( I  say original because there are a total of 3 Grandia that I know of.  If there are more then please LET ME KNOW!!!!!!).  Now it follows the story of a young man named Justin. Justin is first followed by his younger friend known as Sue. Sue is a little girl that has grown up with Justin and she lives with her aunt. oh and she has a little animal that sits on her head and it can apperantly fly and she calls it Puff because thats all it can say. but i digress...this game has a really good battle system for a PS1 game and the story (for its time was very original.) I am going to end this by saying that some times the old games are the very best ones out there...
P.S I am not feeling better emotionally but alas thats ok because I am ues to it...

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Grouping guys and gals

Every now and then I come across someone online and I can truly interact with them how I would interact with a normal human being (or something smarter than a rock...). This is a rare event, given that all of the people who access the Internet grow an enormous ego and start acting like they are best at anything and everyone else is insignificant.
Most people online I ignore for the what group they belong to, and normally I don't stereotype in the real world but in the case of the Internet, everything is bass ackwards and stereotypes and ignore lists are the only thing I have to defend myself from fools, spammers, and leetspeaking trash talkers. The number one group I steer clear of is most likely the most abundant of them out there, the e-peen people. Thinking they are the best in the whole game/forum/taco stand, trying to get someone in a fight or match versus them and their "knowledge/skills".They think they will whoop whoever they challenge and when the foot goes in their mouth, they have the gull to attempt to reclaim some shattered dignity by calling their opponent a cheater/hacker/noob(what have you). Then, the e-peen person will try everything in their power to make them seem cheated out of victory and plug their ears in hope of the other person walking off from the annoying gibberish coming out of the e-peen's cake hole. So no matter what someone tries to do against them, they can't beat a rock in a stupid contest. And the situation worsens when the other person who challenged them is another e-peen person, almost the same effect as the unstoppable force meeting the immovable object. Many think, "well then why not just avoid them?" and I reply " Try ignoring the blinding sunlight in your eyes with them taped open", the only remedy is an ignore list.
The other big group I steer clear of are the under a rock people. I know it's not an official title but I call that group since it's the only thing I can think of when anyone from that group comes to mind. These people think that they are gamers, hardcode people, or better ice cream eater, whatever. But it's annoying when someone who played for three months think they have the game under wraps and are perfect at it, then just act like they have no idea what happens when beaten. But it's more than just that, people who think they know games then look at some genre they have no clue about talk like they know what's happening.
All in all it's the biggest reason why I choose to be anti-social on the web, most of the people I ever meet are within this group or something to the effect of it.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Free Blogging

OK....This time I am writing about the new world that we have been too today. Nautalis is a role playing game that is suppose to take place in the roman time and it is suppose to be fun but  I have no idea about anything from this isnt like me to write about things that I have no Idea about...but since this is for class I suppose that it is rightly so...well lets make this quick and painless. This roleplaying arena is unique because you can't modify ANYTHING in this land area. If your too slow to know what that means please do your self a favor and STOP READING THIS BLOG!!!! But I will be nice and tell you if you are still reading. It basically means that you can't rezz anything in there and you cant move anything that is already on the ground. This isn't a bad thing because it makes this world almost scaraced mainly because no one can defile this land and the role players  can feel safe knowing that they wont have to worry about some idiot coming through and screwing up the whole land for every one else. ( we all know that someone out there would do it too.) any way I was mean in this blog...I dont really know why either....but mabey by the next one I will be feeling better then I am right now. :) 

Monday, October 27, 2008

Immersive Workshops

Having meetings(workshops) on second life is a very cool thing.  SL users are using 2D graphics in there presentations and sharing of information.  The idea of 3D capability in presentations is great.  But there is some conflict between SL and SL's customers.  There are companies in SL that are coming out with programs that perform 3D presentations but Linden Labs wants to do the same thing... Interesting. 

For the most part that's all i got out of this article.  Money is needed to be made within SL and there are a few ways it can be done.  This is one of them.  

Sunday, October 26, 2008


I have always wanted to play the game Bioshock but i never had the chance since I don't own a 360. Now that I live in the dorms I can play 360 games because my roommate has one. The game starts off in the year 1960 and you are in a plane over the Atlantic ocean. All of a sudden your plane crashes and you somehow survive and swim to a lighthouse in the middle of the ocean. You enter the lighthouse and enter an elevator. You then learn that you are entering an underwater city called Rapture. A man named Ryan created this city so scientists could get away from all the laws the constrain them. Scientists created a mutagin called Adam which allows genetic changes and lets them use Plasmids which could prevent hair loss or the ability to use telekenisis. You then meet a man named Atlas on a radio who offers to help you get out of Rapture as long as you help him save his wife and child. Throughout the game you have to get past bad guys called Splicers who are genetically modified humans sent by Ryan because he believes you are a CIA agent. You collect different Plasmids such as the ability to freeze people, set things on fire, and electrocute enemies. You also have different weapons such as a tommy gun, shotgun, and crossbows. This game is really fun and the different Plasmids are really fun to play around with. If you have the time, rent this game.

required post of doom

I think this article was an interesting read. It explanes how companies are starting to adopt virtual worlds into their works plans. I think that if a company can get past the learning curve, this could be benificial to a company. This could alow companies to work with their employees from the comfort of their own homes and would make the normal buisness meeting alot more fun to attend. The fact that Second Life is fully suportive of 3d could also add more features to a meeting. The presentations people give at them could be spiced up useing the create options of second life. The use of advatars would also allow for people to escape and racism or sexism if they can hide who they truly are.

Bored??? <:O

So i'm actually starting to get bored of my video games right now. Last time this happened it was because I had other things to take up my time. This time I think its becasuse every game I've played lately has been on that I've previously played. I guess I just need to take a break from them. If anyone has a game to recommend to me that would be amazing. Yeah...I guess I just don't really have much to say lately so once again, i'll stop here.

The Infection

As many of you know, the next expansion for World of Warcraft is comeing in two weeks. The event to celebrate the expansion is allready takeing place in game. What started by an infection turing players in to zombies from the town of Booty Bay has spread into pure chaos and is leaving major cities completly deserted and full of infected people and zombies. Also, one of the major forces of evil in Warcraft lore has started attacking zones around the game world. With each day, the plague of zombies grows worse and worse as more and more places become infected. This could possible be the largest world event ever to take place in wow history and is leaving the game world in ruins.


So I read the reading and it kinda went over my head. The only things that I really understood were the points about how businesses are beginning to use Second Life for meetings from long distances and how they are utilizing 2D and 3D in their presentations. I don't know, it just really wasn't that interesting to me. Then again, just because it wasn't interesting to me doesn't mean it wouldn't be interesting to someone else....somewhere. So yeah, since it didn't really make much sense to me, I don't really know what else to say about it just gunna stop now before I start rambling.

2D versus 3D

I believe that the posting that we had to review is right about the fact that 2D works well enough well display data and ideas and that Second Life isn't the bet idea to use for a 3D presentation. I also agree that Second Life does have a steep learning curve and that steep curve is a huge obstacle to get over to make Second Life as a viable alternative to a 2D presentation. I think that in the future when there are more people playing games that are similar to Second Life, but are an easier game to play, then a 3D presentation would be a good idea. So until a game that is similar but simpler then Second Life is created then a 2D system such as a power point, will still be used to convey data, statistics and many other things like them.

Required reading

I know, I know, I am coming up with this posting later then I normally do but hey I got it up and running didn't I. Now let me see here what was I going to say again? Ah I know...This article isn't that interesting to me as you might have though. Honestly I found my self lost after reading the first paragraph. The article is well written but other then that I can't find anything good to say about it. Because it went right over my head and just kept going and going. (sort of like the energizer bunny XD) I read that article three different times and still I think I barely got anything from it. IT was trying to inform the Masses about how business's are utilizing second life to try and make money off of it and I remember from class that twombly said that their were some companies that were making money off of SL.. But this article just isn't that interesting to me. Mainly because I enjoy playing second life but I don't really care about what it is used for. I like it because it is fun to play and  it allows me to be what ever I want to be. But when it comes to people actually utilizing this online world to make money and to take the business world by storm, I get bored. really,really, really quickly.
   anyway More coming soon from the one and only GODZILLA