Friday, October 17, 2008

I want your (virtual) vote!

With the election just around the corner, I decided to go out and look to see what Second Life is doing. I noticed there's no just what's the election at, so I decided to look and see what McCain and Obama were doing to try to snatch the social shut-ins and the normal people who play SL.
I noticed that the "official" areas for them are actually different from each other, Obama seems to try to get the person's attention with pretty and free stuff then some click here for more (info) here prims. McCain, on the other hand, has no free stuff which I could locate other than promotion items like lawn signs, but did have billboard prims with texture of info about his goals, history, plans, and strategy if elected. And he also had some other distractions to keep you there like a Washington Monument placed off in the distant.
Considering where it's placed in, I don't think McCain has the best idea for trying to get people but for supporters of him, it's a very good choice (but then again that's what the Republican party has been doing for the past 8 years it seems.) I can see this working with people who are not easily distracted and actually look at the facts, since that's what McCain's areas have going for him over Obama's. So, I think McCain has wasted some money and time with this little endeavour, since I feel only about maybe 15% of Sl will be affected by these and care in a positive way about it rather than just laugh at it or just trash it.
Now on to (N)Obama, I say that because of the tactics he is no doubt using with his. FREE, FREE, FREE were literally the first things that appeared on my screen when I went to one of them, free hat that spews Obama (literally) and lawn signs as well as Obama particle effects. I usually wouldn't care about an area doing this but an election is too much to give out candy and say "Vote for me!" I'm just glad it's not "You have some of my stuff and now your forced to vote". I personally care for neither candidate, but I absolutely hate when people take advantage of the public's want for goodies. I noticed that his area had one of two things, free stuff for SL and the other were links to sites for info on him. It's a very different strategy than McCain, and in Second Life, a very good one since everyone in Second Life is either after free crap or they have what they want and are going because they are supporters/haters. This method I honestly can say is the best use of time and money for something as such as Second Life, it's the jiggling of the keys for the infants to one: secure the vote or two: grab the voter and most likely tear him away from McCain.
All in all, You know who I think the victor is in Second Life, even if I hate how's it done. Obama definitely steals any part of Second Life concerned with the election other than the hardcore Republicans or those who aren't affected by the jiggiling keys method ( all 2 of us....)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Feeling glad

I have said it to my friends here in college. That is "thank god for work study".  Let me start by saying that this is going to be a good blog that may or may not involve a virtual world I haven't decided yet. So let me get back to my first sentence where I am saying thank god for work study, because today I am going to DJ for Blizzzardshack and I am getting PAID for it. Another perk of work study is during the presidential inauguration I got paid to listen to a bunch of "old" people tell the president that he was indeed the president and then give him a plaque and a medal and say that "you are the president". If I wasn't getting paid for it then I wouldn't have gone. Mainly because it didn't have a lot to do with me  as an individual.
Ok now that I have gotten that out of the way let me talk abut my virtual world. I have recentlly been playing a video game on the nintendo game boy. It is called Yugioh world championship 2003 and it is pretty fun if I do say so my self. I have mainly been playing it for Alyssa because she wont let me play anything else. But I am happy with it, besides it keeps me in dueling shape. I haven't played a yugioh game in years. So this was a good refresher, Not that I could ever forget how to play this game. But I digress. This game is based off of the real life trading card game called yugioh. It is played exactly like the card game is and further more it has a huge selection of yugioh cards to choose from. The game doesn't have a definate ending because pretty much all that you do is play yugioh. The opponets that you face in the beginning are easy enough and like all games they only get harder as you unlock them. If my memory is correct then I unlocked all of the duelists that you can fight even the scarced beasts. Now they are tough but I am too strong for them. :) I am a good duelist and the game only makes me a better stratagist because I am forced to come up with card combos in order to defeat the next set of duelists. What I noticed why back when I first played the game on the nintendo gameboy was that they rank your opponet by the number of stars that they have. Oh and let me mention that the opponets that you face in these games are monsters from the game itself. 
 When you first start the game you are put up against monsters between level 1 and 4 and after you beat them all a certian number of times then you will start to unlock level 4 and 5 monsters. After them its level 6 and 7 then 8 and 9 and then finally level 10. I have conquored all the levels. In fact Alyssa was surprised at how much money I had earned her with all of my victories. Well I mean when you go on a 15 winning streak you are bound to get a lot of dp ( duelist points). Any way enough of the past lets go forward shall we? 
More Coming Soon Godzilla

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Politics in SL

I observed several of Obama and McCain's political properties where they advertised there campaign.  Basically I'm Fiscally Conservative and socially liberal.  So I'm having trouble making my decision for the 2008 vote.  When it came down to there strategies in advertisement its about the same.  The both offered free T-shirts and hats.  They both had tons of signs everywhere that wear for free too.  Also at certain places they had ad's you could watch promoting there campaign, while bringing down there opponent
This is a good way of attracting the online community.  Their are many people who spend most of there time using the Internet.  By advertising the election through SL allows more influence to choose who to vote for.  
I think it would be cool for Obama or McCain to come onto SL and talk with the community at a mass event.  It would be more affective and productive to do that.  

Joe's Avatar

JoeM Mills is my avatar.  I'm a casual dresser and don't mind my look.  I am enjoying a beautiful vacation in Mexico, with mixed drinks, chips and guacamole.  As you can see... I'm by my self.  Thats ok.  I've had many people I have met up with.  The bars are always busy and fine dining is always a done deal.  Tonight i have a comedy gig under the palapa roof to the left of you.  I will be discussing the differences between women and men at their best.  I am on an Island called Isla Mujaries which means, Island of Women.  Like its name... It has many women.   
I toured the Island yesterday.  There is a lot of other tourist attractions and cool activities to do.  I will see you around.

JoeM Mills

Politics in second life.

Ok so I was going through Second life in class on tuesday and I took a look at two lands. One was for Obama and the other was for John Mcain. Now me personally I have no personial opinon on how those two go about advertising there campains. They both had pretty much the same set up. A bunch of pictures of their faces and hen drop boxes  that will take you to their websites. These stragites are pretty effective but  they are lacking in two main areas. The fiest being that there wasn't anyone there to talk to. I mean if you are going to try and promote your self in a world like second life then it might be a good idea to keep someone in your land in order to have them talk to people.  but other then that it seems that they are attracting  enough people to make it worth while. It does a good service to people who dont have a television.  because they can learn about the two opposing politicians. all in all it seems to be working out for them but I cant really tell yet if these ideas will swing the votes in one direction or another. 
   More coming soon Godzilla.

Monday, October 13, 2008

True obsession?

   I know people have said something about this subject before but they were just defending themselves that they weren't obsessed even though it seems to be all they do all day.  Should we have a WoW version of AA for people who can't stop playing long enough to have a normal interaction? Should they just be left alone so that when they want to interact with someone in real life, they try to put their hand over someone and try to right click them? I can see playing the game for a few hours then go off and play a different game or at least take a break and be somewhat a living object. I've taken note of some people who choose to spend their class time not doing class work (no surprise) and just play WoW the whole time and act disappointed because they have to pack up and leave the game for about fifteen minutes before they can become lifeless again. I understand some of the feeling, I played WoW casually for three years and as an elite for one year, but I never got to the point that I didn't want to do anything but play it.
   But I can't give all the credit just to the WoW crack addicts. Some people bring Game boys, Nintendo DS, PSP and their laptops to play and not pay attention in class, just so that they can get the gaming fix. I may be totally wrong, but that seems to be for all the slackers I've noticed in my classes and I think that's the biggest reason, that or because they are so bored and care so little about classes,grades, and assignments that they would rather play a game and ignore the professor rather than putting the game away for an hour and try to get a good grade. Also I don't care if you select few notice enough and just to attack me, I won't be watching so you can cry if you want...

Spam and Jam

     Not the yummy meat that everyone knows and loves, but the Stupid Pointless Annoying Messages(S.P.A.M.). Normally this is just a normal Internet issue and wouldn't be considered part of a virtual world, but SPAM can be E-mail,game,or anything that can be online. In Second Life for example, people try to invite me to stupid groups or send cards that I should go to the landmark inside. Exactly what provokes this behavior? All it is is a cry for attention, or to attempt to inform by randomly choosing people.
   What exactly makes SPAM, SPAM?  The first sentence explains why it's called SPAM. It has to be a pointless message, which could make it stupid and in many cases, annoying to many people. In my opinion, it's just because people have nothing better to do, or that they want to have their opinion forced down your throat so you must listen or you can try to dodge it. 
    All pointless message within themselves are annoying since they are a paradox, a message is only a message since it has a point. I know that most of you will think " Oh, what a stupid topic, I just delete all SPAM and I don't need to care about it." But if you truly think about it rather than be the normal close-minded human, so messages may actually not be SPAM. 

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Blog about blogs

Why? Why bother to type ones thoughts up on the interweb (lolz) for all the world to see? The answer is simple. And you must find that answer out for yourself. I myself have not gazed upon many blogs, but i have been on a few forums, which may be called the distant cousin of the blog. In this blog family you might also be able to call the grandpa of the blog a diary...a diary that is open to the full view of the public. Anyways...forums are pretty a very odd sort of way. They open up many doors to do random things. Forums allow 10 year olds to rant about many things that only adults should be exposed to. One of these things is a game called Halo, you may have heard of it. To the parents who are buying their little son (or daughter) Halo, you are a dumbass. My biggest pet peeve is logging on to xbox live and hearing the squeaky voices of younglings claiming that they "pwned me, bitch". I absolutely abhore little kids being in places that they shouldn't, especially when they are there because a parent thinks that they are mature enough to handle it. Whenever i encounter one of these youngins i simply tell them to hit puberty, then come back. This was the most random branch off of a main idea that any of my blogs have ever seen, wow.


The patch of patches called by many. This is a patch to the retal version of Wow. This patch upgrades the game to the newest version and prepairs the game for the Wrath of the Litch King expansion. This patch fixes many of the broken skills and specs from the current patch of wow. This patch also realeases the new talents points that enhance player characters. This will be the final patch of the Burning Crusade and will be the first the brand new content of the new expansion. This patch will be deployed Tuesday of this week and is over half way downloaded on anyone who has the background downloader running.


So was playing Chrono Cross on my PS1 last night (quite the only system I have up here >.<) and all of a sudden it decided to be like 'I hate you!" and it just restarted my game. At the time I was distracted by Daria on my friend Allie's computer but when I looked up I was like 'WTF?!' So I started playing again and it did the same damn thing. -_-" So I decided that maybe it was having issues from being on too long or something so I turned it off for the night. I got up this morning to see if it was better and at first it wasn't and believe me when I say I was pissed. After a few more times of trying to get it to work, it did! Well, the game keeps turning off my Analog so every once in a while, like after ever fight I get into or after the cutscenes I have to turn it back on, which can get extremely annoying, but whatever, I'm just glas the system is working again! :D

Second Life AV

My Seconld Life Avatar's name is Alyssa Turbo. She's a winged ninja who loves to cause trouble...when she feels like it. >:) Anyway, she loves the colors red and black, (if you hadn't noticed), and loves flying more than anything else. She spends most of her time wandering around Second Life checking out new styles and just hanging.
She may not look like much of a ninja, but hey? Who really knows what an actual ninja DOES look like? Her favorite time of the day is...well night actually, then it's even easier to blend into her surroundings. She used to have a permanent home, but she became bored with her non-eventful life and set out to explore the world. Now she wanders between sims looking for excitment of any kind to occupy her time.