Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Take a chance, roll the dice!

So much within a virtual world and my stupidity chooses this...
Within most virtual worlds, the player must obtain any and everything they get through hard work or luck(unless you are a Chinese gold farmer or have an elite friend, then you get booted up to everything with the status of a noob still.) But this is aside from all the stupid loopholes that would give a noob a helping hand past everything and still be stupid( like I explained last sentence). But when a player grinds out enough rat skulls or whatever stupid errand they go on, normally a good item, or something that can give enough money to make ends meet.
Enough with beating a bush, when the player works their butt off, and is given an item that they could have used when they started off is now worthless when obtained. Why, you ask? Simple, most likely the Random number generator(RNG) gods were kind(/asses?) and gave the player a weapon that shames whatever would have been the goal, making the quest useless other than some cash for the "good" item. This is only an example of how random events can ruin a game, and such a minor way. What if the quest was a mid level quest that gave items anyone would go for, then (only one example:WoW) an epic weapon drops off of the 3rd to last up to last guy, and after the player stopped spazzing out about what they got, equipped it and ravaged the last few guys, got the item and lived happily ever after. That weapon would last a very long time and make quests that reward with other weapons pointless, and make everything in the area fall like a fat kid with his shoes tied together. Even since I used World of Warcraft for an example, that does not mean other MMOs don't do it.
In fact, some games survive off of the RNG system, most common RPGs. Fire emblem( for those who know it) is just an interactive RNG with pretty pictures( for lack of a better similar/metaphor). Everything is determined by an unseen code picking a number at random and if the right one is picked, it's pretty much the lottery.
So, Given it's in almost every game and seems to make some games, is the RNG system really good for the games it's in? Are random godly weapons awesome to get at no specific time(of course!), if it were to "ruin" the experience of playing the game when it turns into click and kill? Some games (Fire emblem, Final Fantasy tactics) are based solely on the RNG and therefore make a good game (when the generator stops using the player's men for chew toys). I, personally, would think it should be removed from some games for how stupid lucky people can get (and that I'm as lucky as a Black cat living under a ladder with shattered mirriors everywhere) and that some things shuldn't be controlled by Random elements.

Saiyuki Journey West.

Greetings and salutations. 
   It is me Godzilla again. This time we visit the 90's again but this time we are going to India. well actually we are going from china to India...Or japan to India. I haven't played the game in years so I don't remember the plot to well....I just know that It is a turn based game that plays out like final fantasy tactics. The story revolves around a young priest named Sanzo. The cool thing about this game is that at the beginning you can choose to be either a guy or a girl. that doesn't affect the name of the character at all though. but I digress again. 
  So your a priest who receives a visions from lady Kannon who presents you with the Mercy Staff and tells you that the world is in trouble and you need to go to India to help the gods resolve the problem. so you start off on your adventure with two body guards and right after you leave the temple your party is attacked and the body guards are killed. Luckily for Sanzo their is  a giant rock that calls out to the player. The rock tells you that if you can remove the sealing scroll from the rock that he will save you from the enemies. After  the battle ensues and you get to the rock and remove the seal you unleash Son Goku and he proceeds to eliminate the enemies. then he turns on you but Lady Kannon appears and places a head band on Gokus head ( Sort of like in Inuyasha with the prayer beads.) the only difference is that when Sanzo says the trigger word it causes Goku to get a terrible headache that is sure to stop his actions due to the pain that it causes.  Lady Kannon forces Goku to travel with Sanzo to india as a body guard. He does it grudingly. Along the way you encounter allies that like goku end up traveling with Sanzo on the journey. 
    Another special trait that Goku has is that he is what the game calls a Were. A were is a demon that has a human form and they can turn into there demon form at will and unleash terrible powers.  Goku can turn in to a giant monkey and then the other members go as follows. you get a Boar, a giant merman, a dragon and many others. these are the weres. The humans that can become the were I dont remember there names.  I have yet to beat the game because I keep getting distracted and then I come back to it when I feel an urge to play a game that brings up good memories... That is another Blog entirely......

Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Guild

This wednesday will be the last day my main character in World of Warcraft will be in the guild . After two years of being very slow on raid progression, the 10 or 15 of us that make up the core group of raiders in this casual guild are forming our own. While we will not be severing all contact as we only plan on moveing our raid characters over, this will be a big change. We have our own web sight ( We also have our own vent server. Our plan is to have this guild be one of the top raid guilds on our server. If you visit the site, you can see the amout of work put into this project and understand why I am very excited for the comeing expansion.

The Longest Week

In nine days, the expansion to the mmorpg World of Warcraft will be releashed to wreck havock among the population. This expansion will allow for players to level up to the extended level cap of 80 and start the fight against the Lich King. Many new quests, zones and skills have been included with this expansion to allow for a long life span of play. The End Game has also been reworked to be much more attractive to more casual players instead of exclusive hard core players. Players have begun to prepair themselves for the release of the expansion in many ways. Me, for example, has began to collect gold incase it is needed in large quantites at level 80. This expansion is looking to be very promising and the week ahead is looking to be a long one.

PS: I lost