Saturday, November 29, 2008


Oh goody, another Donut rage about how people on the interweb suck, get ready folks!
Not really this time, it's more about how the virtual world uses special symbols and combinations to such emotions and feelings that normally the tone of voice would do. Such as many people see when my title is read, normally everything in capslock would mean that I'm furious or mad at someone/thing. For the most part it would make sense, but with the keyboard flaw ( the capslock by the a which is commonly hit) it can be misunderstood which will ruin a conversation very easy.
So when someone is yelling, something is in capitals, and when the person is talking normal, it's exactly what I'm typing. But then what is used when a whisper is intended? Most would used something to the effect *whisper* which if the virtual world doesn't have emotes then it is also used for emotes such as *sigh*, which is very common (check my his last blog's title if you don't believe him...). That's mostly for roleplaying unless it can enhance someone's statement, such as the sigh.
Since the subject of symbols and emotes, the one that took me the longest time to learn was the smiley. I would have never thought of making a face from a colon and other symbols to create a vast array of faces to express people. Faces aren't the only thing that can be made, for example, a < and a 3 can mean a heart, which shows the writer's love or coy within the sentence. The final thing that was developed for speed was acronyms such as brb,afk and most common lol. All have meanings that all Internet taught people know, and are used for quick understanding and laziness. Other uses can be w/, w/o, and j/k which all use the backslash and are very common. The letters are words that combined to make a phrase or word that makes sense, for example w/o is WithOut(the capitals are to show). It's morphed into other such and create ...1337 speak.
But it's unstoppable, everyone is infected by it and use it as a daily and accepted way. And for most of it, the symbols and emotes are fine since they invoke the emotion of the writer to replace facial/body gestures and voice volume. But the 1337 speak and other garbage is almost unacceptable, which only provokes laziness and removes the writer's emotion and diminishes their vocabulary.

Ningen Interaction?! *sigh*

Hello all once again, I hope you all had a great thanksgiving. While at the dinner table, my family and I were talking about random events and how some people acted according to it. Which prompted the thought to me, "What would force the whole Internet civil, and why does everyone act as they do?" Obviously, the real world and the online world both react differently and interact differently form the same person, but why exactly?
I've pondered this myself for years now, and more than three of my older posts can be linked to this for support. Whenever someone engages another in the real world, it's a nice conversation with introductions and polite and proper English (most of the time...),but when a human interacts with another human in the virtual world, the reaction more than 90% of the time is different. In the virtual world, the people will normally attack the most crucial area of the virtual world they are in and say something vulgar and then a flame war will start.
Most people want to interact with those who use the former method on the Internet , rather than the latter. The reason I think most people act as they do is that it's not the person who is using the words, it's their avatar. After the avatar's reputation is destroyed, the person may just discard it and create a new one and have a clean slate; while in the real world, a person must be cautious of their word choice since they cannot shed the labels that an avatar can. Therefore, the person must choose how people will see them and then must act accordingly.
Though most are filthily mouthed people, some can actually hold a decent conversation, which I found on Second Life. If you've read some older material from me, you'll know I look at the code and construction rather the completion. I was wondering the area one day and came across a place which didn't shelter the same attention grabbers that most places do. This land had many areas that used many effects and scripts which gathered my attention (Yeah I fell for a buried key jiggle...). As I was marveling over everything, a co-owner came to me and noted I liked what I saw, and we conversed for nearly 20 minutes about his sim and all the great figures that I drooled over. The matter of speech was astonishing, the man was easily pegged as a gentleman, his grammar and spelling perfect.
After a while I had to ask why he was so perfect in his spelling, and his responds startled me! He acted that way because that's not only how his avatar was built but that if he did like all other people, his avatar's reputation would be tainted. My only response I could muster was that if it was bad he just create anew and transfer most of his stuff, but without a beat he replied that was the cowards' way and that there should only be one true avatar. I was so awe stricken I couldn't ask him a single other question.
But in a whole, most people aren't to active to talk in an online game. Of course if it's a role playing, then the conversation will hit off but only to the game/quest/toilet monster each are interested in. If it's just for making conversation and having a royal good time, it will most likely " only be found within chat rooms and programs designed for that", as will most people tell you to go when you ask them, "Dum---!"...

Friday, November 28, 2008

Virtual Meetings

Ok this time for my blog I figure I will talk about something from class. Twombly talked to us about how we are able to talk to people in a virtual world easier then  we can in real life. For obvious reasons. The first one being that (from what Donut said) is that it takes out the person to person interaction because it is just a digital representation of ones self in a virttual world. So (like I said ) If you piss the other person off you dont have to worry about being hanged from your ankles off the side of a building.  I remember that I went back into second life after class and I explored second life and I remember that it was true because I would talk to almost anyone in a virtual world. Just to talk to them actually, that and the fact that my personality is very sociable. Aside from that I remember  that this is suppose to be about a virtual world so I figured that talking about this would count. But any way my conclusion is that meetings in a virtual world are easier because there isn't any actual face to face contact.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Wrath of The Lich King:Level 80!

Last week on Wednesday, I hit level 80. In, the level grind was very easy and alot better then that of Burning Crusade. The Quests at higher levels were VERY lore based, and this added alot to the game. The two end zones, Icecrown and Storm Peaks were well designed and very fun to play in. Icecrown was my favorite because of the amount of quests involving Arthas, past and present. I started running heroic's over the weekend and can say that most are much harder then the normal varients. For example, heroic Occulus is very hard and took hours before we finially killed the last boss. The concept of that instance is fun at first, but very annoying after wipeing many times. The way badges are handled this time around allow for people to get good pre-Naxx level gear and an offpiece of their Tier 7 set. There are two verisons of the badge tokens, one for Raids and one for Heroics. This allows for people who progess in raids to get better gear over people who just run five man instances. Comeing soon, I'll write a blog about my first venture into Naxxramus!

Wrath...need i say more?

well...wrath of the lich king has been out for over a week...and boy, is it amazing. Only starting WoW after BC came out i cannot compare this release with the burning crusade release, but i can state that i have played through the burning crusade content and wrath pwns face compared to it. In the burnin crusade, all of the quests mainly followed two or three different plots. plot one: kill these things. plot two: collect these things. Every once in a while they mixed it up and told you to talk to this guy, who then tell you to kill these things. Wrath completely changes things up. The quests are actually in-depth and are fun to complete. An example of this is that earlier today i did a quest to free soldiers form coccoons. There were many of these coccoons stewn about, but not all of them contained soldiers. Some of them contained spiders. That kill you. When freed, these soldiers did not simply say "thanks" and despawn, they came out, gave you a paladin blessing, healed you, then said something like "hey, there are wounded soldiers that i should be helping, good luck." it was awesome. I'm very excited to hit 80. I want that t7 gear. lol. i just realized its only 330 AM. plenty of time to continue lvling. (lvl 77 atm)