Friday, October 24, 2008

I is looking fer work!

When I went to go to the link that I was was told, I wondered what it would be about. When I got done reading it, I can firmly agree that the old 2D stuff can get the job done easily. I think that Second Life at this point is a 3d version of multiple 2d items which a business probably wouldn't use. Second Life now seems like it wants to be able to work out as a program for Business and presentations.
But I digress, the topic's question, "Is there an untapped market for "Immersive Workspaces" in Second Life?". I would imagine it's not possible to find anything that someone or some business hasn't covered in Second life. Hippotech has so much software available for shops and such. There maybe a person can help learn how to make prims be some items that people would like. But otherwise I can't think of a job that would be open without any competetion, just as the author stated, even Linden Labs is having a hard time attempting to find something that someone else within their world has already taken.
All in all I would believe that Second Life missed the boat for being able to conquer it's work area and at least involve a feature or addon to make it more business friendly. By Business friendly, Something that doesn''t require alot of power to work, nor alot of special effects so that the business people would be distracted nor require a good pc to work.

So very Special...

I've always been down the middle on looks, I'm the opposite of a graphics-whore, yet I do like having my character not look like a sideshow for a circus. Which is why I hate many virtual worlds I've played, like World of Warcraft and such. At first, the character doesn't look special, then looks goofy, and after looking like a clown, a set of gear that matches and is good is finally in your possession.
Normally, I will sacrifice my character looking good for being able to do his job, even if I look like a generic version of my class or like everyone else and try to make it up in other ways and wear unusual clothing when I can. For Instance, I will wear a Christmas suit(hat,boots, and all) when I used to tank the first four bosses in Karazhan and make corny Xmas puns. Back to the point, I always disliked the fact that I would start out as what looks like I crawled out of a sewer and decided that day I wanted to be a hero and then jump into a clown suit. So many games seem to like the fact to make characters go through the dress-up nightmare, not just MMOs anymore. Soul Calibur IV, another instance, let's you make your own character from a style of one of the original fighters and then get to select armor which will give you stats. The thing is, EVERYTHING looks wierd/stupid and doesn't match with any other piece of armor until more armor is unlocked to make other stupid looking gear make the created character stronger but ugly as hell... but I degrass...
Only three MMOs I have ever seen tried to cure this subtle yet horrible problem, Guild Wars, Warhammer, and Second Life. All three do different things to please the people who care what their characters look like, Second Life the most obviously since it's not a normal MMO. Guild Wars makes sure the whole game, you will always, ALWAYS! have a set of gear that matchs and doesn't look horrible and many different sets for stats and looks. Warhammer gear looks good from the beginning and new gear seems to good well with old gear, so clowns be gone!!
Now Second Life, since it has no gear, it will take a different step and make the player customize the clothes and use prims to make other items such as wings,belts,masks and other that the base clothing won't cover. I tried experienting with the latter a little, and now I got what I would think are some nice hand made wings and claws, nothing special.
Personally I think that MMOs should mimic Second Life more in the fact that the character can be unique and have it's own personality versus looking like a clown or another character of the same class.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


OK....This week is going good. I mean I got to go home and visit my old high school. I am relaxing as I write this blog now and I am even going to go and play a video game in a minute. In fact let me tell you guys (and girls) about it. It is called Wild Arms 3 and it is about these four drifters who all end up meeting abord a train by accident. 
  It is really a good game and I think that the characters are really well done too. In the beginning you see a cut scene and it introduces you to a girl sitting in a train compartment. When sunddnly the train is rocked and she hears a noise out side in the hall way. She gets up and checks it out, when she sticks her head out of her compartment she sees two men running by. They work for the train and as you head down the pathway that they just came from you run into another guy. This man is no one important but you two go and investagate what is going on in the back of the train. When you enter the compartment you see a big box in the center and the train operater goes to it and opens it. Five seconds later three males burst in from different directions with guns pointing at each other. These three men are all known as drifters and they are all after what is inside of the crate. These are also your traveling companions for the whole game. This game is a good one considering that their is no voice acting and it is all a text based game. I mean sure there are animations and sound but other then that it is a really good game.
I haven't been able to beat it yet but I am getting closer to it. Besides that I am having a really good time playing all of my old video games. I will be sure to tell you all about them in later installments.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Game Review: Force Unleashed.

Force Unleashed is a RPG based game for a large variety of game systems. In this game, the player takes the role of Darth Vaders Secret Apprentice. As the apprentice, you are under the control of Vader and must exterminate the survivors of order 66. During these missions, a very indepth plot unravels. During these missions, you learn about the creation of the Rebel Alliance and how evil and corrupt the Empire is. The stoy alone makes this game great, but not everting is so perfect. The game play, while way over the top and crazy, is hard to control and can make one angery. The boss fights are near impossible on the harder difficultys and can easily anger the player. The game is also very short. This was my major complaint about this game. Lucasarts should have added more levels to add more play time to the game. The visuals are down right perfect though the level design is reused on several levels. If I could rank this game, I would give it a 8 of 10. I also would recomend renting or borrowing this game from a friend just to take in the great story line, one that will leave you feeling like you truly are in the Star Wars universe.

Second Life Politics

The use of political advertising in Second Life is a good way to draw attention to the up and comeing election. I think that it is a great idea to be advertiseing in an online world. This allows for many people to recieve the message about who is running and a little bit about what they stand for. The use of online political advertiseing can draw younger voters to the election aswell as drar attention to the underage voters to current events. The only problem I forsee with Second Life is the ability for anyone to edit the content. This could allow for attack adds to take place in Second Life and could create false rumors about a cantidate. In conclusion, I beleive that this form of campaigning is ok aslong as its fair and open for anyone to view the content.


So I was at my cabin this weekend and one of my friends, who has a cabin close to mine, brought some of her friends up. They also brought up an Xbox 360 and some games. One of thoes games was F.E.A.R. I can't really remember what it stands for but whatever. I had played the game beofre and it kinda freaked me out so this time I watched someone else play. Normally, I hate watching people ply games and I normally wanna take over, but this time was different. There were 5 of us watching while Dalton, one of the guys up there, played it. We were able to get through the whole game in one weekend and it was pretty sweet! Now I really wanna play the second one but alas...I have no Xbox. *sigh*

Politics in Second Life

Okay so I think there can be good things about advertising politics in Second Life. One thing is it can give many people who may not watch the news that often some insight on the political candidates and maybe interest them more in politics, itself. It could also give many people in second life the chance to meet thousands of other people who side with the same candidate as themselves, and give them a place to chat about the debates or anything else going on in the world. Also, having areas set up in secondlife for the candidates can give people the chance to show their support for the candidate they support.

Playing obsession

I agree with what Donut has said in an earlier post that there are people who play a game toooo much. Such as his points of people playing while they are in class or or when they should be doing homework or sometimes when they should be outside and conversing with friends. I do not know why a person would want to come to a class that they are paying a fair amount of money to be in, would want to waste their time playing a game and not learning what they should be to receive and good grade and actually know how to the work for future, and possible harder, classes. I for one am a person who would rather be playing my game of World of Warcraft, but I know that there are times when I need to get off and actually do something. If I had the choice of being able to play WoW, and just WoW, with no repercussions, not having to pay bills, not having to go to work or school or not even needing to make my own food, I would probably take that option but later find that it was a poor choice because, I do get bored of playing WoW form time to time. Not very often but it does happen. And usually on those days I just want to either watch TV, or read a book (yes I read books). But usually the reason I get bored when I am playing WoW is because of the fact that there is nothing for me to do at the time, or nothing that I want to do. Anyways I guess I wont ever know why some people do the things that they do and whether that is a good thing or a bad thing to happen only you can decide.

Politics and Second life

I think that when a politician puts up a "stand" in second life it is either in desperation or in a "why not" situation. And so far, of all the places that I have seen regarding a campaign, have so far been of a "why not" idea. Some of the "stands" where made by the candidate while a few others where made either by supporters or by the candidates party in the facade of a supporter. And, in general, give away some free items such as, hats, jackets, cloths, signs and other such items so that you can display your choice of candidate. As for competition between candidates, there is only the fact that people can choose to wear items for one candidate for others to see. I have not seen any stand of any two candidates in the same place. They have always been by themselves with no competition between another candidate. The stands do not really give very much information on a candidates viewpoints or the topics they argue against another candidate usually just a few pictures and flags and other such items. But anyways I do not think that putting up a stand in second life is reliable in any major way to get more votes. It might get you a couple hundred more in a state but more then likely not enough to swing the election.