Sunday, November 30, 2008

Virtual meetings

Having a meeting over the internet has several advantages to a meeting in person. For one, people don't have to be worried about how they present themselvs or how they look when useing a virtual avatar. This allows for people to work and get the job at hand completed without these issues. Also, use of internet for meetings allows for little to no racism to take place. People can choose to hide their identity if they choose and not show who they are in real life. This allows for people to act and do their work without fear of interference.


Godzilla said...
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Godzilla said...

First of all there is still racism in the internet because people will and can go onto the internet and start yelling about how black people are the worst of all humanity. So the statement that "use of the internet for meetings allows for little to no racism" is wrong.
Secondly you stole my article title you ungrateful and un-original JERK! I mean why not be original and stop stealing my titles!!! >_<