Sunday, November 23, 2008

Wrath of The Lich King:Level 80!

Last week on Wednesday, I hit level 80. In, the level grind was very easy and alot better then that of Burning Crusade. The Quests at higher levels were VERY lore based, and this added alot to the game. The two end zones, Icecrown and Storm Peaks were well designed and very fun to play in. Icecrown was my favorite because of the amount of quests involving Arthas, past and present. I started running heroic's over the weekend and can say that most are much harder then the normal varients. For example, heroic Occulus is very hard and took hours before we finially killed the last boss. The concept of that instance is fun at first, but very annoying after wipeing many times. The way badges are handled this time around allow for people to get good pre-Naxx level gear and an offpiece of their Tier 7 set. There are two verisons of the badge tokens, one for Raids and one for Heroics. This allows for people who progess in raids to get better gear over people who just run five man instances. Comeing soon, I'll write a blog about my first venture into Naxxramus!

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