Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Grouping guys and gals

Every now and then I come across someone online and I can truly interact with them how I would interact with a normal human being (or something smarter than a rock...). This is a rare event, given that all of the people who access the Internet grow an enormous ego and start acting like they are best at anything and everyone else is insignificant.
Most people online I ignore for the what group they belong to, and normally I don't stereotype in the real world but in the case of the Internet, everything is bass ackwards and stereotypes and ignore lists are the only thing I have to defend myself from fools, spammers, and leetspeaking trash talkers. The number one group I steer clear of is most likely the most abundant of them out there, the e-peen people. Thinking they are the best in the whole game/forum/taco stand, trying to get someone in a fight or match versus them and their "knowledge/skills".They think they will whoop whoever they challenge and when the foot goes in their mouth, they have the gull to attempt to reclaim some shattered dignity by calling their opponent a cheater/hacker/noob(what have you). Then, the e-peen person will try everything in their power to make them seem cheated out of victory and plug their ears in hope of the other person walking off from the annoying gibberish coming out of the e-peen's cake hole. So no matter what someone tries to do against them, they can't beat a rock in a stupid contest. And the situation worsens when the other person who challenged them is another e-peen person, almost the same effect as the unstoppable force meeting the immovable object. Many think, "well then why not just avoid them?" and I reply " Try ignoring the blinding sunlight in your eyes with them taped open", the only remedy is an ignore list.
The other big group I steer clear of are the under a rock people. I know it's not an official title but I call that group since it's the only thing I can think of when anyone from that group comes to mind. These people think that they are gamers, hardcode people, or better ice cream eater, whatever. But it's annoying when someone who played for three months think they have the game under wraps and are perfect at it, then just act like they have no idea what happens when beaten. But it's more than just that, people who think they know games then look at some genre they have no clue about talk like they know what's happening.
All in all it's the biggest reason why I choose to be anti-social on the web, most of the people I ever meet are within this group or something to the effect of it.

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