Sunday, October 26, 2008

Required reading

I know, I know, I am coming up with this posting later then I normally do but hey I got it up and running didn't I. Now let me see here what was I going to say again? Ah I know...This article isn't that interesting to me as you might have though. Honestly I found my self lost after reading the first paragraph. The article is well written but other then that I can't find anything good to say about it. Because it went right over my head and just kept going and going. (sort of like the energizer bunny XD) I read that article three different times and still I think I barely got anything from it. IT was trying to inform the Masses about how business's are utilizing second life to try and make money off of it and I remember from class that twombly said that their were some companies that were making money off of SL.. But this article just isn't that interesting to me. Mainly because I enjoy playing second life but I don't really care about what it is used for. I like it because it is fun to play and  it allows me to be what ever I want to be. But when it comes to people actually utilizing this online world to make money and to take the business world by storm, I get bored. really,really, really quickly.
   anyway More coming soon from the one and only GODZILLA

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