Wednesday, December 10, 2008


So I haven't played 2Moons for quite a while cause of school and all, and last week I started playing again. At the time I started playing again I was level 84 and o% and now about a week later I'm currently at 86 and 42% which is kinda sad...this basically means I've been playing a LOT. This is bad because I should really be studying for finals, but anyway most of the time I'm playing its either farming vouchers to g to Dead Front or fighting in Dead Front. Vouchers are items that monsters drop and when you get 20 of one kind, you exchange them for a map which is manditory to get into Dead Front. Dead Front, itself, is kinda hard to explain. There are only 4 parties of 6 people allowed in at one time, which is why I normally only go later at night. There aren't nearly as many people there at night. All 4 parties are working together to get to a common goal, but there are LOADS of monsters you have to hack your way through to get to this final boss. I have only successfully finished Dead Front once, if the creators gave more time to get through it, I would have finished it multiple times, but no...they only give you 30min. So yeah theres my rant of 2Moons....enjoy! xD

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