Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Last One Forever

This time I come to you with a feeling of saddness because I have to now write to you about what I have learned..
    Let me start with the most basic thing possable because I know that almost everyone will say this with out even reading my blog..I learned that their is an online game called Second life. I also learned that it is really fun and entertaining if you have nothing else to do and or you are bored out of your mind. Another thing that I have learned from this class is that we have the WORST ADVISOR IN THE FREE WORLD...(let me take a minute to explain...not Twombly himself but our FYE advisor...if you already know about that experience then just skip down to the next caps locked letter. if not  then leave a comment and i will get back to you when possible.) 
   Now that I have gotten that out of the way the last thing that I learned was that blogging can be fun and informative especially when you need some ideas on what to write about for a paper. I cant say that this class has changed my view on MMORPGS/ MMOG and the such but I can say that if I had to take this class again I would do it with out a second thought cause it was fun and intresting playing in a class and actually getting away with it the whole time.  I dont know if you can tell from the blogs but I think that I have changed a little anyway... But that is a blog for another time...*walks out of the room laughing *

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