Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Burn of Life

   The end of September never seems to have anything special in the real life, but in Second Life, it's the week of Burning Life( Second Life's tribute to Burning Man). Users everywhere come to see all the unique creations of other users. When I went to go check out the area, the computer kept locking up so I couldn't observe most of the creations and lands, but I was able to go to the area of mutant vehicles. It had stuff from random giant bikes to a rubber duck car and some things were actually able to be copied. I also noticed some more "creative" ideas such as the monster potty, yet not everything that I was able to look at was so different. Some areas had buildings that resembled tents, tarps , and umbrellas to give it a flea market-like theme but none of the items were purchasable.   After I was able to finally get to look around, there is a lot more to see then what I had originally said. All of the users take ideas or icons from movies,shows, and what not and put it in a form that we can view in Second Life. The wireframe sculptures are very well made and can almost simulate real wireframe artwork in the real life, although in Second Life, they choose to actually make it have an image projector as well or sparkles or something to make it pretty come out. Along with sculptures, the area had what looked like a fantasy carnival and buildings with scenes and props from movies, one such was the Back to the future set, with anything and everything that went through the time stream. But, the greatest of all was the "Church of Techno", which someone said it resembled a colorful Water Cube. It had the history of techno, some free items and a dance area with a dance ball for dances and music to listen to which created a great feeling of a rave. Most of the event I couldn't fully see given the short amount of time and the grand size of the event. The image below was only one of many I took when exploring the areas.
   The Burning Life received it's idea from the real Life event of the Burning Man, which is held in a desert each year to show the creativity of others. There is no buying or selling there, other than required items such as water and coffee and the like, but it's a place to bring your bike and view the unique creations of others. Burning Life does almost the exact thing as the event, even having a giant wooden man to be burnt at night just like in the real event. 

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