Sunday, September 28, 2008

Reaction to video

I was really surprised by the space that Second Life would take up on an actual CD/DVD. The fact that it would take up multiple terabytes amazes me. The reason that I am so amazed by this is because most of those multiple terabytes of information are all user created objects, buildings, and land. It is mind blowing that the game started out very simply and grew exponentially in terms of byte usage, all because of the users that play Second Life. Adding to the mind blowing-ness, all of the objects that are created, can be extremely detailed, and the process that one has to go through to create such objects, I find, is extremely difficult and time consuming. The fact that an online game like Second Life could grow to the size that it is now in such a short time is almost too much to comprehend. This is what I found most interesting about the video.

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