Thursday, October 23, 2008


OK....This week is going good. I mean I got to go home and visit my old high school. I am relaxing as I write this blog now and I am even going to go and play a video game in a minute. In fact let me tell you guys (and girls) about it. It is called Wild Arms 3 and it is about these four drifters who all end up meeting abord a train by accident. 
  It is really a good game and I think that the characters are really well done too. In the beginning you see a cut scene and it introduces you to a girl sitting in a train compartment. When sunddnly the train is rocked and she hears a noise out side in the hall way. She gets up and checks it out, when she sticks her head out of her compartment she sees two men running by. They work for the train and as you head down the pathway that they just came from you run into another guy. This man is no one important but you two go and investagate what is going on in the back of the train. When you enter the compartment you see a big box in the center and the train operater goes to it and opens it. Five seconds later three males burst in from different directions with guns pointing at each other. These three men are all known as drifters and they are all after what is inside of the crate. These are also your traveling companions for the whole game. This game is a good one considering that their is no voice acting and it is all a text based game. I mean sure there are animations and sound but other then that it is a really good game.
I haven't been able to beat it yet but I am getting closer to it. Besides that I am having a really good time playing all of my old video games. I will be sure to tell you all about them in later installments.

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