Sunday, August 31, 2008

Diablo 2

One my my favorite Virtual Worlds is that of the Diablo universe. This game was created by the same company that made World of Warcraft and Starcraft. Diablo is a RPG or Role Playing Game first released for Windows and Mac. In this game, players are allowed to choose from a handfull of hero's. From a powerful warrior to a squishy spellcaster. The game revolves around a deep story spread out over four acts, five in the expansion. The objective or "point" of the game is to progress through the world and defeat the forces of evil. The character does this by leveling up and finding better pieces of equipment to help defeat the endless hordes of monsters that the forces of evil throw at you. As you progress through the game, the player travels from the Earth to the depths of Hell. Diablo 2 also features a online play feature called Battle.Net. The online mode is the same as single player, but allows players to play the five acts with friends. A neat feature of the online mode is how the game difficulty scales with the amout of players in a game. There are three game modes for online play. The first is called Ladder. Ladder is a ranked version of the game and special ladder only items can be found here. Non-Ladder is the same as Ladder, But with out several special items and is non ranked. The last game mode is Hardcore. In this mode, if you die, you have to completly restart the game. Diablo 2 is a great game and I would highly recoment it to anyone. It may be an older game, But it's one of the best.

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