Sunday, August 31, 2008

Call Of Duty 4

Call Of Duty. These three words may not mean anything to you. To me, these words mean one of the greatest online games, and most sophisticated virtual world, to date. Call Of Duty 4 has shown me that video games can be very entertaining, while having a more subtle and creative side.

When playing single player, there is so much going on in the game, it is sometimes hard to focus on your objective in the level. The stunning graphics add to the chaos and draw the player in to give them a real butt-whooping to the senses. However, thats not where the fun ends. In online multiplayer, the player is dumped into a world of sheer beauty. The levels are gorgeous, and each have their certain quirks and main places of battle. Each player is able to customize classes by selecting primary weapons, secondary weapons, attachments to weapons, camouflage patterns, and "perks," which give the player an upper hand against opponents. These customizations allow for an added level of intensity in gameplay. Also when playing online, the player levels up as one would change rank in the Marines. Growing in level unlocks new weapons, perks, camo patterns, and other features. Yet another added level of gameplay. If you have an XBOX360, a PS3, or a souped up PC, I would seriously recommend picking up this game.

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