Saturday, August 30, 2008

World of Addictcraft

So there's this game i play, you may have heard of it. World of Warcraft. I know many people who absolutely hate this game and would love to see it obliterated. I also know many more people who have become so addicted to this game that they blow off real life friends for a big raid. This is why the first type of people hate WoW. I hated WoW. I wanted it wiped from the face of the earth. One of my good friendswho plays it now still played it back then, back before i played. He's an addict. One time when he was raiding me and another friend went over to tear him away from his computer. We walked into his room and said hi. He acknowledged us and waved. We stood behind him, watching, for fifteen or twenty minutes, then left. To this day he does not remember that event. We asked him about it, told him that we were there. We told him that he waved at us. He laughed and said we were on crack, which, i assure you, we weren't.
A few weeks later, he convinced me to pick up a trial version of the game. I did. I told myself that I would only play it casually. I installed it, downloaded the patches, and started a new character(A gnome rogue by the name of Edgaralenpwn). Since that fateful day, i haven't gone more than a week without hopping on. I am an addict. Is it a bad addiction? I'm not harming anyone by doing it, I'm not harming myself by doing it. Sure, I've blown of friends and family for a raid, but they have other people to hang out with. If they really wanted to hang out, they would pick up a trial.
Edgaralenpwn is now top level, decked out in season 2 gear for pvp and tier 4 and some tier 5 for pve. My time played on him is over 25 days. That's over 600 hours put into that one character. If I would have been working at my 6.25 and hour job i would have made over 3500 dollars. What do i have to show for those many hours? 2000 gold? Brutal gloves? Nothing that is worth anything in the "real" world. Sure, i could sell my account for a hundred bucks. I would be out an account, and all those hours would seem wasted. For that reason i am going to keep playing WoW. It is addicting. I love it.

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