Sunday, September 21, 2008

Zombies Attack!!!

If the apocalypse rolled across the earth and people started becoming zombies, there would be shotgun in hand. As we ran screaming  saw the blood soaked sidewalks. We wondered what the hell was going on. I grabbed my shotgun and as many rounds as I could carry. I led my friends out the back door of the next door neighbors house and went one by one. Everyone had the most random weapons such as: forks, knives, pool sticks, and much more. We secretly snuck from tree to tree to try and see what type of monster could rip peoples limbs off. We decided to go to the pub across town. That was one of the safest places we could think of. Running into danger is what we were ready for. We ran into zombie after zombie cutting off their heads and shooting them in between the eyes. As we gave into knowing we probably wouldn't survive we all decided to get completely belligerent and do a target practice from the roof of the bar. As we shot the local heroes and everyone we despised in the processed we saw Woopie Goldburg moaning and walking in a slow and unbalanced way. As we put down bets to see who could kill her first we took back a couple of beers and said, "Take it up the. . " BANG! And thats what would happen.

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