Saturday, November 22, 2008

Feeling like a gamer

Well now its finally happened......I have become a seasoned gamer who has little to no taste in any of the games that are coming out these days. I have long feared this day and I always wondered about what I would do if this day came......Now that I am in college I find myself at the pinnacle of my gaming career and thus I wonder if it is time for me to put down my gaming controller and just accept what has become of my life. But I have been able to find a game that makes me feel like I am not such an old gamer. It is called Katamari Damacy. A game that when I first got it I thought that it wasn't going to be as good as it was. Boy was I wrong I must say that this game is a good one and its very simple to play you just use the analog sticks. I really did like the music for the entire game. It is a very simple game and a simple plot line with a great music score. It is refreshing in this world of games that happenes to be kind of stale and boring. But it makes more sense then anything else.  I dont know I have nothing to really write about and I have been busy but really I can't imagine anything else to write about. 

1 comment:

Donut said...

Your just currently bored of whatever the (g)lame developers are firing out their butts right now