Sunday, November 16, 2008

Soul Reaver

Alrighty, so I've been playing this game called Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver for the Playstation 1. It's actually a really good game. I haven't played it in a loooooong time because it used to confuse the CRAP out of me. It's one of the action/puzzle games that if you don't have a walkthrough handy, you'll have NO idea what the heck you're supposed to be doing next. There are times that - even with a walkthrough - I still get confused and it takes me hours to get to the next step, and then once again I get confused. Most of the time it's actually my fault I get confused casue I just skim through the walkthrough and I skip stuff I'm getting off track-anyway! Yeah, so Legacy of Kain! Good game, but the other thing that bugs me about it is because since the settign of the game is in the 'underworld' everything is so freaking DARK! NAd no, not theoretically or whatever its called, I mean literally. The only way i see where the heck im going half the time is by turning off all the lights in my room and closing the blinds so there is no glare on the TV screen, and even then I sometimes have trouble seeing where I'm going! xP Ok, enough ranting from this one...I'm done! xD

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