Sunday, November 16, 2008

virtual yearning.

Have you ever felt an urge one day to play a video game that you haven't played in years? I have gotten that feeling once before, well actually more then once. I have recently gotten the urge to play a turn based game from watching my friend Alyssa play her game Final Fantasy Taticts. But the Game I choose was called saiyuki journey west. ( see two blogs ago.) I remember  a couple of years ago that I was feeling a yearning for an old game with some memorable characters in it. So I picked up my old game called Grandia. This time I got farther then I did before and I made it to the last boss but couldn't surpass him...( Fail) so I put it down. 
    My Theory behind this is connected to the body. You know when you get a strong craving for some type of food that you haven't eaten in years? well I believe that the brain is looking for some sort of sustenance in the form of  video games.. No I don't mean that when you get a cravings for some food that you should play a video game . you should go out and get the food that you want. But when you start remembering your old video games that is your brain trying to help you to remember the good time from your past. This theory I believe can only be applied to serious gamers however. Because serious games will have a vast collection of games to choose from and some of the games will be liked and other games that they don't like as much. Casual gamers who have less then twenty games to choose from probably wont get that feeling unless they become strongly attached to their games.  I have done nothing with this theory and I don't really plan on doing anything but I figured that I would let you guys know about it. This blog in my opinion (Twombly this is for you) is two fold because it talks about virtual worlds and memories. If I wanted to I could talk about warriors orochi 2 so I guess I can to make you happy. 
  Warriors Orochi 2 is a sequel to warriors Orochi. now I am not a big dynasty warriors fan but I do like the theme that its you against hundreds of thousands of enemies. In warriors Orochi the serpent king Orochi was freed from his dimensional prison and then he uses his demonic powers to fuse together two time periods. The feudal era of japan and some war torn area of china and have the strongest warriors of those times fight him. In the beginning Orochi kicks everyone's ass and then the game picks up. In warriors Orochi 2 the game takes place after his death and you ( as one of the 4 story lines.) are either trying to prevent his resurrection or if you choose to play as Orochi which would be the fifth story line. You will be taken back to the first one where you play as Orochi and conquer all the lands. Personally I don't like the Orochi line because from playing the first mission I knew that it would not end well. 
   Let me explain something about the Orochi series first before I list off the reasons why I don't think that it will end well. The first thing that you should know about is that you are given three characters to play as where in Dynasty warriors or Samurai warriors you only play as one character. Each character is divided up into one of three classes. Power, Technique and Speed. Obviously Power characters can dish out the pain as well as become tanks if you level them correctly. The technique characters are able to utilize the masou gage to its fullest while also having the quickest recharge time and speed classes are the fastest ones and they can also do a double jump to cover more ground quickly. Like most games if you lose as one team mate then you fail the level. It makes sense because it forces you to use the other characters. Any way the range of fighting styles is HUGE. I mean from 90 plus playable characters you best have a wide variety of fighting styles. You have your spear users and your staff welders and your archers, gunmen, fist fighters, umbrella users, fan fighters. walking cane fighters, people who use a deck of cards, scythe fighters and scythcle fighters, hammer fighters, Axe weilders, A girl who fights with two giant marbles. The list goes on and on. 
  Anyway the reason that I say I dont like the Orochi story line is because Orochi has a scythe which you would think would be good for crowd fighting but its not...I dont like short range fighters but I am not opposed to using one if I absoultly must. My favorite character is Zhao Yun because he is so cool. That and he can wipe out a screen full of enemies really quickly. 
Any Way this Blog has been a little random but you know what I dont really care. There are only three people that I know of who read our classes blogs so its not like I have to impress anyone. So more coming soon from your friend.


Donut said...

Which three and I'm not impressed ¬_¬

Godzilla said...

what do u mean ur not impressed?
What do you mean by which three?