Saturday, November 22, 2008


Why do I tempt the rage of fans? Like two of my colleagues on this blog have been talking about, the next installment of World of Warcraft is out and people are in hysteria. The Wrath of the Lich King is one of the "yearly installments" Blizzard has promised it's peons and for once, they actually delivered. No, I'm not going to talk about it ( remember, I'm not affected by keys jiggling), instead I want to talk about the online reaction to a virtual world.
For the people who actually read all of the blog, hype and fans are about, so to study them is not hard. In fact, it's almost an extra credit project waiting to happen! Back to the point, when a new game comes out that's been talked about and shown trailers for about a year, people lose all sense of Intellect. In the case of Wrath of the Lich King, I can agree from what I have noted, that the people are in the right for saying that it is well done. But if it's just another sequel that the developers used the copy paste button on for anything other than the story, it's just a killing frenzy when reality and sanity sparks into the fray of the game.
Everyone in the gaming community knows about the fanboy/girl, they are commonly seen in anime and magna conventions squealing at anything that they see cool. In that genre, it's acceptable, but in the gaming community it's a different story. If someone has been after a game for such a long time, and when it eventually comes out and turns out to fail( what's new Donut ¬_¬?), the fans will defend the game to the death, trying to hide the bad with excuses.
Such is only one example of hype, the other is more dangerous and yet even more annoying. This also involves fans defending/praising the garbage that sanity would look at and holler "Next!". Within the whole community and history, the best example is... Final Fantasy 7.(If your blood pressure just rose because I just named your favorite game, I've been talking about you...) This game has the biggest fan-base of any game, it's pronounced "the greatest game evar" but when asked why, only pauses come up and stares. Final Fantasy 7 is only one example of any of the hype, if the game can't stand on it's own and shine without a mouth calling it the best, it is not the best and the internet will give sanity no quarter in the battle.
On a final note, everyone has fallen victim to hype at one point or another, it's just what and how defiant they choose to be. And if you want to attack me on this post know this, it makes you a fan and only proves my point. Also, it will help with next week's post about nerd-rages, so feel free to prove me and sanity right.

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