Sunday, November 16, 2008

Northrend: Geography

The Geography of World Of Warcraft is very in-depth and beautiful. The land is divided into four servers each holding chunks of the world. The original game takes up two of the servers, and each of the expansion packs has its own server. The land it self is divided into zones each for a specific level. The original zones are kinda bland, but the expansion zones are beautiful. My favorite sofar is Howling Fjord. This place is a penisula that sits high on cliffs overlooking the ocean. It has a very Minnesota feel with snowy northern regions and temprate grasslands. The zones themselvs are used for questing as the players progesses and each has their own story line or is apart of the main story. The major diffrence in Wow and Second Life is that the zones can be be reached at any speed with very little frame rates issues. The only problem with the way Blizzard sets up how the land is divided, if a server crashes, those players are stuck untill it comes back online.

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