Sunday, December 14, 2008

Something I've Learned...

What is something I learned? Well, I wouldn’t limit down to one thing. I would say I leaned to look around and appreciate the world around me as a player in a game, instead of letting it just past me by as I rush to accomplish a mission or quest, or in a more social virtual world, to meet someone. I’ve also added a lot of screenshots these past few months because of this new found curiosity. I’ll add them when an area interests me and makes me think ‘wow, the developer took some time here’. I also learned about Second Life, I had no knowledge of it before I came to the class and got to add a new virtual world to my list of things tried. The class made me want to go back to other virtual worlds I had long since abandoned, and take another look at them. I got to explore my interests a little bit more and then write a little bit about my findings. It was nice to be able to look at things from a different point of view then I usually take. Overall, I found the class to be rewarding, and I enjoyed taking it. So thanks Prof. Twombly. =)

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