Sunday, October 12, 2008

Blog about blogs

Why? Why bother to type ones thoughts up on the interweb (lolz) for all the world to see? The answer is simple. And you must find that answer out for yourself. I myself have not gazed upon many blogs, but i have been on a few forums, which may be called the distant cousin of the blog. In this blog family you might also be able to call the grandpa of the blog a diary...a diary that is open to the full view of the public. Anyways...forums are pretty a very odd sort of way. They open up many doors to do random things. Forums allow 10 year olds to rant about many things that only adults should be exposed to. One of these things is a game called Halo, you may have heard of it. To the parents who are buying their little son (or daughter) Halo, you are a dumbass. My biggest pet peeve is logging on to xbox live and hearing the squeaky voices of younglings claiming that they "pwned me, bitch". I absolutely abhore little kids being in places that they shouldn't, especially when they are there because a parent thinks that they are mature enough to handle it. Whenever i encounter one of these youngins i simply tell them to hit puberty, then come back. This was the most random branch off of a main idea that any of my blogs have ever seen, wow.

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