Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Politics in SL

I observed several of Obama and McCain's political properties where they advertised there campaign.  Basically I'm Fiscally Conservative and socially liberal.  So I'm having trouble making my decision for the 2008 vote.  When it came down to there strategies in advertisement its about the same.  The both offered free T-shirts and hats.  They both had tons of signs everywhere that wear for free too.  Also at certain places they had ad's you could watch promoting there campaign, while bringing down there opponent
This is a good way of attracting the online community.  Their are many people who spend most of there time using the Internet.  By advertising the election through SL allows more influence to choose who to vote for.  
I think it would be cool for Obama or McCain to come onto SL and talk with the community at a mass event.  It would be more affective and productive to do that.  

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