Friday, October 17, 2008

I want your (virtual) vote!

With the election just around the corner, I decided to go out and look to see what Second Life is doing. I noticed there's no just what's the election at, so I decided to look and see what McCain and Obama were doing to try to snatch the social shut-ins and the normal people who play SL.
I noticed that the "official" areas for them are actually different from each other, Obama seems to try to get the person's attention with pretty and free stuff then some click here for more (info) here prims. McCain, on the other hand, has no free stuff which I could locate other than promotion items like lawn signs, but did have billboard prims with texture of info about his goals, history, plans, and strategy if elected. And he also had some other distractions to keep you there like a Washington Monument placed off in the distant.
Considering where it's placed in, I don't think McCain has the best idea for trying to get people but for supporters of him, it's a very good choice (but then again that's what the Republican party has been doing for the past 8 years it seems.) I can see this working with people who are not easily distracted and actually look at the facts, since that's what McCain's areas have going for him over Obama's. So, I think McCain has wasted some money and time with this little endeavour, since I feel only about maybe 15% of Sl will be affected by these and care in a positive way about it rather than just laugh at it or just trash it.
Now on to (N)Obama, I say that because of the tactics he is no doubt using with his. FREE, FREE, FREE were literally the first things that appeared on my screen when I went to one of them, free hat that spews Obama (literally) and lawn signs as well as Obama particle effects. I usually wouldn't care about an area doing this but an election is too much to give out candy and say "Vote for me!" I'm just glad it's not "You have some of my stuff and now your forced to vote". I personally care for neither candidate, but I absolutely hate when people take advantage of the public's want for goodies. I noticed that his area had one of two things, free stuff for SL and the other were links to sites for info on him. It's a very different strategy than McCain, and in Second Life, a very good one since everyone in Second Life is either after free crap or they have what they want and are going because they are supporters/haters. This method I honestly can say is the best use of time and money for something as such as Second Life, it's the jiggling of the keys for the infants to one: secure the vote or two: grab the voter and most likely tear him away from McCain.
All in all, You know who I think the victor is in Second Life, even if I hate how's it done. Obama definitely steals any part of Second Life concerned with the election other than the hardcore Republicans or those who aren't affected by the jiggiling keys method ( all 2 of us....)

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