Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Politics in second life.

Ok so I was going through Second life in class on tuesday and I took a look at two lands. One was for Obama and the other was for John Mcain. Now me personally I have no personial opinon on how those two go about advertising there campains. They both had pretty much the same set up. A bunch of pictures of their faces and hen drop boxes  that will take you to their websites. These stragites are pretty effective but  they are lacking in two main areas. The fiest being that there wasn't anyone there to talk to. I mean if you are going to try and promote your self in a world like second life then it might be a good idea to keep someone in your land in order to have them talk to people.  but other then that it seems that they are attracting  enough people to make it worth while. It does a good service to people who dont have a television.  because they can learn about the two opposing politicians. all in all it seems to be working out for them but I cant really tell yet if these ideas will swing the votes in one direction or another. 
   More coming soon Godzilla.

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