Sunday, September 14, 2008

Meet Solisaaki

My characters name is Solisaaki. I chose to have that name because well I couldn't think of anything and so I just chose one of my characters names on WoW. I chose to dress him the way I did because I can’t ever get him to look the way I want him to so I decided to just conceal his appearance. I took this picture in a place called Crescent Beach, they sell medieval items and much much more, but none of its free : ( . They also have a couple chairs that you can sit at and earn two lindens an hour which is what I am doing in this picture at the moment. So far I haven't seen more than four or five people at this place at any given time so it’s a nice place to be if you just want to be alone for a while. I have been to a few other places trying to find a place where I can fight other people for fun since I like to place the first person shooter games, but since you can't kill anyone in this game it loses some of its appeal. But i suppose I'm still a little lost because of all the options of places to go kind of like "Where do I want to go today", but there is also fun in that.

1 comment:

Kristian Twombly said...

Nice outfit! Maybe soon we could do a "what would you buy with X lindens?" posting, hehe.