Sunday, October 5, 2008

My new 70!

This weekend my newest wow character hit the level cap of 70. This time around I decided to level a hunter. I really enjoyed the trip to 70 and look foward to spending the few days before patch 3.0.2 gearing it up and makeing some money. Out of all the 70's that I have, I really enjoyed leveling the hunter. It was very easy compaired to my other characters and the aspect of having a pet made soloing group quests a breese. My main is my Paladin which I will be leveling to 80 come the expansion, but I think I may level my Hunter second because of the fun I had from 1-70. Being the anti pvper that I am, I wont be farming pvp trash, but instead try to get a basic set of Karazhan gear to help the future grind to 80. Hunters may be fun but, Retribution > all.

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