Sunday, October 5, 2008

War of the Guilds

No, the title doesn't mean I'm going to talk about Guild Wars, I'm talking about Guild fights between servers, verbal and non-verbal. It is impressive and scary to think that two groups, each may contain up to 200 members, just because one member from each guild ( or one member from just one of the guilds) starts talking big and bashes the other guild or tries to anger someone from the other guild.
After the first little scrap fight, everyone starts a flame war in the first channel that everyone can hear and normally the other guild will go on that channel and retaliate with some trash talk of their own. Then after about a week of the verbal war it will do two things, stop or get intense to the point where it involves the whole server. Most of the time it will do the latter, and people bring it out side the games and sometimes it becomes a big thing that lasts for a long time. But most in any MMO I've ever played is seeing one for about three weeks and then finally died down and they actually merged the guilds together and became a half decent guild.
But fighting like this is not limited to fighting between two guilds, it can be a limitless number of groups and even one guild with the guild being split down the middle. When a guild fights between itself then it's certain it will split, the only question is how? Either they will be big boys and agree to disagree and one half leaves with their half of the guild and the other half stays in the guild with whatever is left. This happens a lot and is unavoidable because people are unpredictable and different from each other. About 4/7 of the time, it's a fight between the bad side of the guild and the good side, or the elites versus the casual which in my mind makes no sense since it's two different groups of people but it happens.
When I wrote this I had in my mind some of my WoW experiences from over the years and I used them to try to give examples without actually talking about it, because this can happen in any MMO and in fourms, anything that would be considered sociable/interactive online. I've had everything I've written about happen to guilds I was in and I was in a guild that somehow started a war with 5 other guilds at the same time. All from one person openning their mouth thinking their the big cheese... Moral of my rant, whatever you think, your not the best, GTFO and go farm.

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