Monday, October 6, 2008


    Ever wonder who the person is behind the post that you all hate so much, what he looks like, how he may act? Do you ponder what I, Donut, look like? I change my look all the time, never content with what I have on but lately I found something that looks like it would suffice for me. I make all my clothes myself, my hair is the only thing that's not 100% my idea, I had a slight amount of help when doing it. And as you may or may not know, I am very picky about what is unique and is not, that's why I choose to have stuff that either only I have or have made. You may think that people could take a picture of me and then say I'm not unique anymore, but wouldn't that just be them copying me and I still hold the original "Donut" look?
   As I have said a million times I choose to do/wear unique things and for me to acquire or do these things, I need an idea or the item, which many would find hard to locate. That's another thing I like to do, I love to hunt for rare items or just look around places that would otherwise be impossible or hard to find, which would make normal joes give up quickly and go with the generic stuff. I also love to dance and go to social gatherings. As you can see in the picture above, you'll note I'm in the church of Techno with it's blaring music and weird but cool layout. People used to be crawling all over here but now that Burning Life is over, all the people are off doing their own thing again.
    My background is about as deep as my wallet(to those who don't know, I'm poor) I just grew up like a normal person, which to me was a bore, I lived as an only child and grew up like a normal person, which is why I choose to be so unique now, I have to make up all the years of the boring generic childhood I lived. I never keep in touch with my family, nor do I really care to, not because I think it is cool or unique, I just don't have the time or care enough to wonder about it, "It's my life, it's now or never!" that's how I see it. 
    All in all I guess I'm just a regular weirdo who likes to speak his mind since no one else will. I like living this way and I'll just keep on keeping on till I grow tired of it and decide to change. My only goal is to change the world and how people think and this blog is one way I'm doing it. So if you like my entries, stay tuned to more later on in the week, till then I'm Donut.

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