Sunday, October 5, 2008

WoW again

This week in WoW I finally got my shaman to level 70. And now I need to grind out honor to get better gear for PvP. Now that my shaman is 70 that bring my total to four which is no great feat in itself by a milestone for myself. I have decided that he will be my PvP character because I always have fun decimating my opponents with his fast attacks. Being of poor gear at the moment I usually am the one being decimated by the people who have been PvPing longer. I will probably change him, in the future, to a PvE role but not any time soon. I also must grind out dailys and other quests on him to build up the money I had to spend on him when he did reach 70 for his flying mount, which I imagine wont take more then a few days. I figure that I will begin leveling either my hunter or warlock when I grow tired of PvPing and need to take a short break from it, but as of yet I am undecided. I love to play on my lock because he is just fun to play on. His damage over time and fear spells just make killing mobs or players fun and easy. On the other hand, i do not really like to play on my hunter because less skill is needed to master the class or even to quest along and level. I might try changing her spec around to see if one is better in my opinion and hope to make her more fun to play. If anyone has any ideas on hunter specs in WoW that are a blast to play feel free tell me and change my mind on how hunters are boring.

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