Monday, September 8, 2008


Allow me to switch up gears and blog about some of my newest friends here at SCSU.
now I am not going to go all out and name each and every one of them ( mainly because I can't remember all their names). I digress though, These new friends of mine are really something else. I never imagined meeting a hard core gamer that was a female. nor did I ever think about meeting a hard core anime fan the was a girl also. College is a very interesting and at the same time some other friends have helped to change my out look on how I view this world we live in. Meaningless...Maybe to others but not to me. Its no joke that most of my friends are only my friends because of my personality but there in lies the secret. My personality is shaped not from my choices but from my friends actions around me and how they act and react to things around them and me even. I find that while most people are self made ( personality wise). I was made by taking bits of personality's and merging them together to create the person that you see in front of you today. Anyway enough of this sensless babbling of mine I have things to do and people to see. So see you later :)

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