Monday, September 8, 2008

World of Warcraft: The Art of Revenge.

World of Warcraft or "Wow" is way to complicated to describe in one 200 world blogg. So, I decided to break it down into smaller subjects. The first topic about this virtual world that I would like to describe is the art of revenge. I play on a pvp server which means that everyone can attack and kill anyone in contested territory. The only reason I joined this server is beacuse of friends who played on it long before I got the game. Normally, I am a peaceful person and will leave Alliance members alone when out doing quests on my characters. But, there are times when much higher level characters attack and kill me. This is where revenge killing comes into play. I never let the jerk who killed me go, I hunt them down and camp them untill I feel that they have suffered enough. There are two ways to get a revenge kill. The first is if they are the same level and kill them on my current character. The second is to log on my level 70 Paladin and take out the trash. An example of this was last night. A 70 Warrior killed my 63 Hunter, logged the Paladin and killed the Warrior. He left me alone for the rest of the night. That also shows that Ret is > all.

1 comment:

Donut said...

I want to challenge at last part but in a friendly way. When you defeated your foe, what was he? You can't expect to kill a prot or Fury warrior and then say "ZOMG I RULE ALL!!!" And are you pvp ret specced or just a pve ret rage paladin, because a PvP ret Pally will fare alot better to an MS warrior.