Saturday, December 20, 2008
Shoveling time for Godzilla
Friday, December 19, 2008
first friend.
Monday, December 15, 2008
I forgot what my blog posting was suppose to be about (FFS)
Secondlife is something i probably wont use in my future often but i find it very interesting and will continue to look into it and study it. Through virtual worlds there is great possibilities in our future market.
Nautilus is known for its structures and sculptures. They cover the mainland of Nautilus. Through the heart of the city, a huge trench full of water flows to the ocean. Massive doors cover parts of the trenches to created some kind of effect of stabilization in the environment.
There are many more things in Nautilus, so i recommend going there on your own to experience it at the full effect.
Something I've Learned
I also learned basic concepts to higher education. For instance, proper citation and formats.
What ive learned this semester?
Counter-Strike: FTW
There is counter-terrorist and terrorist. The objective of the game is to defeat the other team. By doing so, first of all, you need to choose a team. (Counter-terrorist or terrorist) Depending on which side you choose determines what your objective is. If you choose CT side then your objective is to defend the bombsite. Your only goal as CT is to take out the other team, but if the bomb gets planted then your objective changes. Your goal is to defuse the bomb. If you select Terrorist side your objectives are to eliminate the other team and/or plant the bomb.
The game is complex in it self. There is alot to know to become "pro" at the game. You need to have discipline and coordination skills. You have to have a skilled hand so you can aim accurately.
You have to know the maps. There is a wide selection of maps that get played alot. Players tend to memorized that map because it is important in a Counter-strike match.
N64 Mario Kart
For the games time the graphics are exceedinly impressive. The game play is addicting and brings a social environment when played with others.
The release of Diablo 3
There is still no official release date for diablo 3. You can be updated through
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Xbox 360 users and the new interface
Just last month, Microsoft released a new interface for the Xbox 360. It has a smooth interface that grabs the users attention. All options are devided up into sections which are easy to use. There is a new option realesed that allows you to pick and customize Avatars. After the avatar update, statistics showed a one day 650% increase in sales.
Larry Hyrb, Director of Programming for Xbox live stated, "it's harder to parse the source for this, as the user interface has improved overall, but Hyrb also notes that the number of new friends added per member has risen by 33%."
Ive really like the new update to the Xbox and think it was a great idea to do.
Late post #1: Singapore Funds Kalypso for Virtual Worlds Research
Its said "We are delighted to receive the support of the Singapore government for our market research initiatives in the virtual world," stated Kalypso Co-Founder Nicholas Cameron. "There are more than sixty virtual worlds now and there is a fundamental need for quality marketing research, as this medium continues to grow." [via]
Something I've Learned...
Guild Wars Geography (Another Late Post...)
Nautilus (Another Late Post)
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Article Response-Untapped Market (Late Post#3)
SL Politics (Late Topic Post #2)
I never realized how many political sims there were in Second Life, whether they be official or not. I visited both a McCain and an Obama one. They seemed a little plain, but both offered the same things. One could find information about the candidate, including links to speeches about their views. Many of the sims also offered Pro-canidate items for avatars in SL to show their views. Among the official sims were many unofficial sims. These sometimes included ones that had places for both candidates, but these were rare as most sims were biased. And though many of the unofficial sims were more decorative then the official, they many times offered less information. One sim in particular, though I can’t remember the location, had an object that linked to the Obama webpage and that was it. The rest of the location just contained Pro-Obama products for sale, many of which were not free. Now, I suppose that was good for the user who already knew about the candidates, or for someone who didn’t care to know, but it didn’t have much work put into it information wise. A user looking for information would be much better going to an official sim to seek the information they desired. All and all, I think Second Life is an effective way of presenting political information, as long as the sim focuses mainly on that.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
ok mabey that last one wasn't the last one.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Something I Learned...
As the Curtain Falls...
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
The Last One Forever
Monday, December 8, 2008
Trivial secrets
Sunday, December 7, 2008
First 25man raid.
Opehlia's Introduction (Late Post #1)
I'm probably going to do 2 or 3 a day until they're done. =)
Now, onto the blog....
Hey! I’m Ophelia Cooperstone. =) My name was taken from the Shakespearian play Hamlet. Anyways, I’m mainly based off my creator, with a little extra thrown in for fun. My personality and age are what we share. If you see me on Second Life I’m probably exploring some sim, I don’t talk to people on my own, but I do respond if they say something to me. I don’t share my creators’ appearance however. And my appearance is changed a lot! I usually am spotted with some sort of long hair, either in an updo, or down. And I wear a lot of dresses. In a way, I could be considered girly, but I don’t care. I hang out a lot in nature or fantasy sims, as I enjoy them, and sometimes I explore the ‘haunted’ sims, I enjoy those also. I tend go away from the highly social sims though, I’m not sure why, but I only like talking to people every so often, that doesn’t mean I won’t talk to someone though! I am open for that! =D I’m just an independent sort of person. My appearance usually takes on that of a human, but I have been spotted with wings. Why? Cause wings are cool…ha ha. =P Yeah, another thing I have in common with my creator, I’m quite random! It makes life more interesting. *shrugs* This has been a look into the mind of Ophelia Cooperstone, which isn’t very far off from Tangerine herself. =)
Precious Item
Yay games! xD
A Random Blurb About the Internet
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Something Presicous this way comes.
Politics in SL
O' My pretty Precious!
As much as I love when people use their creativity to make something awesome/beautiful, it fails to surpass my love for Dragons. This group( I say group for the reason that I feel no one soul could create something so grand!) has more than just a single dragon object, they have an array of scaled beasts that range from the tiny and somewhat cute whelps, to the dragons which are available as a mount or statue. And with each, they have different purposes/responses to interaction and inactivity, such as the whelps will sit on the character's shoulder and unleash some puffs of smoke. The dragons, from what I read in the library( that is stationed just on the side of the area in which the Eggs to "rise" your own dragon is), can fly quickly through the skies with your AND another on it's back as it breaths flames. Pictures to show it's proof are within the books in the library, which brings me to another point about the area, instead of billboards clogging the skies and flashing, they cleverly make a library and signs pointing to it to tell the character where to go to learn about the dragons. And in the library are actual books that when clicked on will turn the page to allow someone to feel like they are reading about a beast within an old age Cathedral! Something that rose my curiosity is that in the big room were eggs of the dragons, when clicked opened a menu to learn about that specific type. Also the menu allowed the player to see if the Whelp,Dragon, or hybrid was available,price, and even what the product looked like in full scale in the center for all to see. I noted over 12 different eggs that sported this ability, and behind them, a giant book said everything about the selected dragon at the time.
Alas, from what I scanned from the glorious area, even the whelps, the smallest and cheapest of the bunch, are 600 Lindens just for the generic fire or ice ones. The price on ones such as Spirit and Shadow rose to anywhere between 700-900 Lindens. The dragons I only noted the Tiamat (from what I know, it's the Goddess Dragon) Dragon was over 1000 Lindens. I was unable to find any price on the hybrids, which interested me to see what they were like but I couldn't dream of being a half-breed monster.
As it seems, in Second Life many see these beautiful beasts as the most precious thing in all of SL and I would have to agree. It's due mostly to the fact that I couldn't stop drooling as soon as I entered the giant building so well done. The Dragons themselves bring a twinkle to my eye as I stand before all it's artisan crafted glory and an easy and fast interface before purchase only shows that these creations are so well defined and professionally made that every Linden is worth it in my opinion.
The Season Changing Trees at Kenroku
Precious Things in SL.
The location that I visited during class was a place that sold a special item called the Tornado Hud. This item seemed to be something that the player could equip and wear on their bodies. The item had a very special feature. The item can summon a Tornado from the sky and allow the user to control it. Aside from the standard funnel of the storm, sound effects, rain and, lightning are present. The item even has scripted items that can be destructable buildings that can be spawned in the path of your Tornado. I believe this item to be the most precious item to me because of my love for the weather and the fact that it is most likely what I am majoring in. The item and a demo of it can be found at the link above, it sells for a price of 1700 Lindins.
the most precious thing in SL
My most precious item
Gaming madness
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Your blood is my trophy...
But among the community, achievements and respect are earned not from being sociable or well-known, but for how many have been slain and how well the character can dodge a helping of lead. And if that's not enough, there are stats that involve the victories of the bloodbaths and stack them versus how much the player is a meat shield(their deaths), and make the Kill-to-death ratio percentage. That lone percentage is so crucial in these communities, it's almost as important as the number the government labels a person with, only thee percentage can change depending on how well someone can do, basically the measure of someone's skill within the game.
Normally, I would agree to something like the ratio, but when weapons of different powers and other factors don't affect the percentage, then it's not a true measure of the player's skill. As an example, Player1 (P1) plays with normal powered weapons and with most of the people doing same, no overpowered instant kill guns. While Player2 (P2) plays with the weapons that guarantee an instant kill with little drawbacks, and plays with people that P1 would play against. Obviously P2 would dominate the game and kill almost everyone while P1 would have a bit of trouble killing just one person. And before the comment of "It's skill that determines who's best" I've already called BS, and my proof is the AWP from Counterstrike (any version really). It's a Sniper true, but when someone shoots a toe to kill a people instantly, the Army needs to start researching how to make AWP's in real life.
Another ratio FPS fans like is the kill per minute. Again, I would normally accept the stat, but this is against the clock rather than the other players. Looking back to the first example, when P1 kills all his foes, he takes at least five shots before he can claim a kill unless he gets the head shot and then it's a quick kill. But since he is an average gamer, he can't pull off the head shots and takes about ten seconds for a kill. On the other hand, P2 can look at a player and they are dead, it's instant and takes only a second. His kills are going to be alot higher than P1's kills, therefore his kills per minute will be higher than P1's, just like the kill-to-death ratio, except it's a much bigger difference between the two players.
I guess this time, the rant wasn't targeting an audience of gamers (go figure...), rather their idea of ranking. As I speak of ranking, FPS ranks aren't alter by the guns as well. P2 will still have a higher rank than P1 for the sole fact P2 can spatter anyone with one hit and P1 needs to actually try and has a fair chance (dear *insert divine figure* no!) of death. And the icing on the cake is I found the only thing to prevent this is other players calling P1 a noob. Last I checked, muting and ignoring features prevented that and if he remembered that in grade school we were taught stick and stones proverb...
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Virtual meetings
Alone for the holidays.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Not really this time, it's more about how the virtual world uses special symbols and combinations to such emotions and feelings that normally the tone of voice would do. Such as many people see when my title is read, normally everything in capslock would mean that I'm furious or mad at someone/thing. For the most part it would make sense, but with the keyboard flaw ( the capslock by the a which is commonly hit) it can be misunderstood which will ruin a conversation very easy.
So when someone is yelling, something is in capitals, and when the person is talking normal, it's exactly what I'm typing. But then what is used when a whisper is intended? Most would used something to the effect *whisper* which if the virtual world doesn't have emotes then it is also used for emotes such as *sigh*, which is very common (check my his last blog's title if you don't believe him...). That's mostly for roleplaying unless it can enhance someone's statement, such as the sigh.
Since the subject of symbols and emotes, the one that took me the longest time to learn was the smiley. I would have never thought of making a face from a colon and other symbols to create a vast array of faces to express people. Faces aren't the only thing that can be made, for example, a < and a 3 can mean a heart, which shows the writer's love or coy within the sentence. The final thing that was developed for speed was acronyms such as brb,afk and most common lol. All have meanings that all Internet taught people know, and are used for quick understanding and laziness. Other uses can be w/, w/o, and j/k which all use the backslash and are very common. The letters are words that combined to make a phrase or word that makes sense, for example w/o is WithOut(the capitals are to show). It's morphed into other such and create ...1337 speak.
But it's unstoppable, everyone is infected by it and use it as a daily and accepted way. And for most of it, the symbols and emotes are fine since they invoke the emotion of the writer to replace facial/body gestures and voice volume. But the 1337 speak and other garbage is almost unacceptable, which only provokes laziness and removes the writer's emotion and diminishes their vocabulary.
Ningen Interaction?! *sigh*
I've pondered this myself for years now, and more than three of my older posts can be linked to this for support. Whenever someone engages another in the real world, it's a nice conversation with introductions and polite and proper English (most of the time...),but when a human interacts with another human in the virtual world, the reaction more than 90% of the time is different. In the virtual world, the people will normally attack the most crucial area of the virtual world they are in and say something vulgar and then a flame war will start.
Most people want to interact with those who use the former method on the Internet , rather than the latter. The reason I think most people act as they do is that it's not the person who is using the words, it's their avatar. After the avatar's reputation is destroyed, the person may just discard it and create a new one and have a clean slate; while in the real world, a person must be cautious of their word choice since they cannot shed the labels that an avatar can. Therefore, the person must choose how people will see them and then must act accordingly.
Though most are filthily mouthed people, some can actually hold a decent conversation, which I found on Second Life. If you've read some older material from me, you'll know I look at the code and construction rather the completion. I was wondering the area one day and came across a place which didn't shelter the same attention grabbers that most places do. This land had many areas that used many effects and scripts which gathered my attention (Yeah I fell for a buried key jiggle...). As I was marveling over everything, a co-owner came to me and noted I liked what I saw, and we conversed for nearly 20 minutes about his sim and all the great figures that I drooled over. The matter of speech was astonishing, the man was easily pegged as a gentleman, his grammar and spelling perfect.
After a while I had to ask why he was so perfect in his spelling, and his responds startled me! He acted that way because that's not only how his avatar was built but that if he did like all other people, his avatar's reputation would be tainted. My only response I could muster was that if it was bad he just create anew and transfer most of his stuff, but without a beat he replied that was the cowards' way and that there should only be one true avatar. I was so awe stricken I couldn't ask him a single other question.
But in a whole, most people aren't to active to talk in an online game. Of course if it's a role playing, then the conversation will hit off but only to the game/quest/toilet monster each are interested in. If it's just for making conversation and having a royal good time, it will most likely " only be found within chat rooms and programs designed for that", as will most people tell you to go when you ask them, "Dum---!"...
Friday, November 28, 2008
Virtual Meetings
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Wrath of The Lich King:Level 80!
Wrath...need i say more?
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Feeling like a gamer
For the people who actually read all of the blog, hype and fans are about, so to study them is not hard. In fact, it's almost an extra credit project waiting to happen! Back to the point, when a new game comes out that's been talked about and shown trailers for about a year, people lose all sense of Intellect. In the case of Wrath of the Lich King, I can agree from what I have noted, that the people are in the right for saying that it is well done. But if it's just another sequel that the developers used the copy paste button on for anything other than the story, it's just a killing frenzy when reality and sanity sparks into the fray of the game.
Everyone in the gaming community knows about the fanboy/girl, they are commonly seen in anime and magna conventions squealing at anything that they see cool. In that genre, it's acceptable, but in the gaming community it's a different story. If someone has been after a game for such a long time, and when it eventually comes out and turns out to fail( what's new Donut ¬_¬?), the fans will defend the game to the death, trying to hide the bad with excuses.
Such is only one example of hype, the other is more dangerous and yet even more annoying. This also involves fans defending/praising the garbage that sanity would look at and holler "Next!". Within the whole community and history, the best example is... Final Fantasy 7.(If your blood pressure just rose because I just named your favorite game, I've been talking about you...) This game has the biggest fan-base of any game, it's pronounced "the greatest game evar" but when asked why, only pauses come up and stares. Final Fantasy 7 is only one example of any of the hype, if the game can't stand on it's own and shine without a mouth calling it the best, it is not the best and the internet will give sanity no quarter in the battle.
On a final note, everyone has fallen victim to hype at one point or another, it's just what and how defiant they choose to be. And if you want to attack me on this post know this, it makes you a fan and only proves my point. Also, it will help with next week's post about nerd-rages, so feel free to prove me and sanity right.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Wrath of the Litchking: Weekend review.
Northrend: Geography
Soul Reaver
Virtual Geography
I don't know, thats basically how I've seen the geography used: to create boundaries and obstacles, or to differentiate between seperate yeah...that's all from me!!
virtual yearning.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Geography in virtual
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
All hail the Land we....fall...through??
Monday, November 10, 2008
Here comes Capt. Econ
A lot are very similar in a sense so I'll stick to major markets of World of Warcraft (WoW) and Second Life. These two are different enough. Second Life conducts in shops and off-line trades, while WoW uses the auction house to trade between players in EBay style bidding. Although, both deal with a human player interacting with another human player for an item in exchange for game currency (or in some more illegal trades, real-life currency).
The only real difference between the two is that WoW's auction house trading is conducted within the virtual world and only the virtual world. While Second Life users can exchange through an Non-Player-Character(NPC) style shop which is created by another user to sell their mechanise within the game, quick and simple. The other way is by placing the item on "Xstreet" or more commonly known as SLExchange. With SLExchange, it's "offline" by not dealing within the game, but can just as quick and easy as the NPC shop method. SLExchange just mimics rather than EBay by not including bidding.
Another big difference is that in Second Life, when someone creates something, they "own" it and are able to copy and redistribute it as much as they wish within the game, to whoever. Therefore, When someone buys something from the shop, the item will not run out of stock because it contains endless copies within it, and same for SLExchange. WoW, on the otherhand, does not give ownership to anything the player "has". If a player finds a great item within the game and wants to sell it, they only have that one item and after it's sold, there are no more until another is found/bought. Which is why the EBay method is perfect for that economy, EBay in real life is used by human beings with (normally) only one item and bidding for it would make the price go higher and make the item worth more.
Out of both, I would think in a perfect society, the Second Life way of things would be so much better, but due to such a mess the economy is right now, the WoW style would somewhat mimic the economy and fall. At this time in the way of the market, I could only advise Second LIfe's gentle (and hippie) method.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Mother Shahraz
Game Review: Gears of War 2
Devil May Cry
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Take a chance, roll the dice!
Within most virtual worlds, the player must obtain any and everything they get through hard work or luck(unless you are a Chinese gold farmer or have an elite friend, then you get booted up to everything with the status of a noob still.) But this is aside from all the stupid loopholes that would give a noob a helping hand past everything and still be stupid( like I explained last sentence). But when a player grinds out enough rat skulls or whatever stupid errand they go on, normally a good item, or something that can give enough money to make ends meet.
Enough with beating a bush, when the player works their butt off, and is given an item that they could have used when they started off is now worthless when obtained. Why, you ask? Simple, most likely the Random number generator(RNG) gods were kind(/asses?) and gave the player a weapon that shames whatever would have been the goal, making the quest useless other than some cash for the "good" item. This is only an example of how random events can ruin a game, and such a minor way. What if the quest was a mid level quest that gave items anyone would go for, then (only one example:WoW) an epic weapon drops off of the 3rd to last up to last guy, and after the player stopped spazzing out about what they got, equipped it and ravaged the last few guys, got the item and lived happily ever after. That weapon would last a very long time and make quests that reward with other weapons pointless, and make everything in the area fall like a fat kid with his shoes tied together. Even since I used World of Warcraft for an example, that does not mean other MMOs don't do it.
In fact, some games survive off of the RNG system, most common RPGs. Fire emblem( for those who know it) is just an interactive RNG with pretty pictures( for lack of a better similar/metaphor). Everything is determined by an unseen code picking a number at random and if the right one is picked, it's pretty much the lottery.
So, Given it's in almost every game and seems to make some games, is the RNG system really good for the games it's in? Are random godly weapons awesome to get at no specific time(of course!), if it were to "ruin" the experience of playing the game when it turns into click and kill? Some games (Fire emblem, Final Fantasy tactics) are based solely on the RNG and therefore make a good game (when the generator stops using the player's men for chew toys). I, personally, would think it should be removed from some games for how stupid lucky people can get (and that I'm as lucky as a Black cat living under a ladder with shattered mirriors everywhere) and that some things shuldn't be controlled by Random elements.
Saiyuki Journey West.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
The Guild
The Longest Week
PS: I lost
Saturday, November 1, 2008
The lost area... in SL!
The area is filled with buildings and mysterious crystals, the buildings seem to have a setting of ancient Roman/Aztec. The buildings are completely empty and all the buildings are similar yet not a single one is the same. The area will sell buildings for people for around 48,000L but I haven't tried looking to in depth to it.
Crystals are mostly small and red, placed all over and have no purpose while two areas have giant pinkish/purple crystals ....which have no purpose as well... The best thing I noticed about the area is no flying billboards saying "go here", or "buy this!!" with flashing colors to attract the kiddies...
All in all it didn't truly catch my interest since it seemed to require a house to be bought before anything could be done or that what I noted...